Surgery LIFE Enhancement presents an in-depth look inside SLE surgical facilities and medical staff here in our beautiful city Tijuana, Mexico - circa 2020. Tour Surgery LIFE Enhancement's state-of-the-art Rio Medica surgery center where our board certified urologist, doctor Colorado, performs ALL SLE non-surgical PMMA girth enhancement injections and stealth surgical laser lengthening enlargements with cosmetic testis-skin-fold entry.
Take in the views of the breathtaking medical tourism destination, Tijuana Baja California Mex, narrated by Dan Salas (founder of Phallocare Male Enhancement) and urological surgeon, Dr. Colorado, come inside SLE surgery center, doctors, and staff was filmed to present our modern facilities and quality products that all patients will experience while in our care.
What are SLE clients saying about our male enhancement services? Check out some of the SLE reviews in this current 4K video to get a better understanding of how Surgery LIFE Enhancement has been transforming men's lives and penile sizes for decades, more about SLE medical tourism, and our current surgical and non-surgical penile enlargement practice. Virtual medical tour footage is presented in bilingual (Español lengua & English language) to capture the essence and warmth of our cultural, as we say, para capturar la esencia y calidez de nuestra!
Gracias amigos - Surgery LIFE Enhancement 2020 - Medical Tourism